Glossary Terms and Definitions A

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. K
  12. L
  13. M
  14. N
  15. O
  16. P
  17. Q
  18. R
  19. S
  20. T
  21. U
  22. V
  23. W
  24. X
  25. Y
  26. Z

Absolute Accuracy

Definition: Ampere(s) is the unit of the agreement between the result of a measurement and its true value or accepted standards value. Applied to instrument accuracy that is directly traceable to the primary standard - NIST.

Actuation Time

Definition: the time between application of the nominal relay coiled voltage and the final closure of the relay contact after contact.


Definition: Ampere(s) is the unit of electrical current. Current is defined as the amount of charge that flows through a given point per unit of time. The symbol I is used for current in equations and (A) is the abbreviation for ampere.

A to D / AD Converter

Definition: Analog to digital. Involves a circuit that converts analog signals into a stream of raw digital data.


Definition: A measure of charge or current flow over time. One ampere-hour is a current of one ampere flowing for one hour. The amount of charge transferred in that hour is 3,600 coulombs (ampere-seconds).


Definition: A-weighting is a standard weighting curve applied to audio measurements, designed to reflect the response of the human ear.


Definition: Alternating current - A signal or power source that varies with time, switching polarities. Typically, sinusodial and constant frequency.


Definition: A sensor or transducer for measuring acceleration.


Definition: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface: An industry-standard specification (co-developed by Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Microsoft, Phoenix, and Toshiba) for operating-system-directed power management for laptop, desktop, and server computers. A replacement for APM.


Definition: Adjacent (alternate)-channel power ratio


Definition: Add/Drop Multiplexer: A synchronous transmission network (SDH or Sonet) can carry multiple channels. An Add/Drop Multiplexer is a device that adds (inserts) or drops (removes) lower-data-rate channel traffic from the higher-rate aggregated channel.


Definition: Analog design system


Definition: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line: A method for moving data over regular phone lines. An ADSL circuit carries much more data than a modem can encode on a regular phone connection. ADSL rides on the regular phone wires coming into the subscriber's premises (twisted pair copper).


Definition: A qualification test sequence for integrated circuits developed by the AIAG automotive organization.


Definition: Analog Front End: The analog portion of a circuit which precedes A/D conversion.


Definition: Automatic Gain Control: A circuit that modulates an amplifier's gain, in response to the relative strength of the input signal, in order to maintain the output power.


Definition: Alternating current - A signal or power source that varies with time, switching polarities. Typically, sinusodial and constant frequency.

Air Discharge

Definition: Alarm indication system


Definition: The Antenna Interface Standards Group (AISG) creates open specifications for antenna-line control and monitoring for 3G systems.


Definition: In A/D conversion, the Nyquist principle states that the sampling rate must be at least twice the maximum bandwidth of the analog signal. If the sampling rate is insufficient, then higher-frequency components are "undersampled" and appear shifted to lower-frequencies. These frequency-shifted components are called aliases.


Definition: An electromechanical device that converts mechanical power into AC electrical power.


Definition: Amplitude Modulation: A modulation method in which the carrier amplitude changes with the input signal amplitude.

Ambient Temperature Sensor

Definition: Temperature sensor used to measure the temperature of the air that surrounds a component (the ambient temperature).


Definition: American National Standards Institute

Analog Switch

Definition: A switching device capable of switching or routing analog signals based on the level of a digital control signal. Commonly implemented using CMOS technology integrated circuits.


Definition: A lowpass filter that removes signal components above the Nyquist frequency. Removes the sampled replicas (aliases) in the baseband.


Definition: Automatic test equipment; automated test equipment

Automatic Cold Junction Compensation

Definition: Ampere(s) is the unit ofsystem for multi-channel thermocouple measurements where the temperature at each thermocouple/switch card junction is sensed and compensated automatically.


Definition: 1. Arbitrary waveform generator. 2. American Wire Gauge: A measure of wire thickness (which also dictates cross-sectional area, and for a given material, ampacity).

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