Siglent SPD3303C - Programmable Linear DC Power Supply (3 Channels, 220W)



I bought this for some product testing. Plus: Super cheap, UI is fine, levels are stable, has USB Negative: control interface is not well documented - the scpi commands over usbtmc listed in the docs do not match the operation - plus there are several HW versions and I got the old one (Perhaps the new one is better). On that note, the easy power software does work. Tips: 1. Install ni-visa and use the trace program while operating easy power to sniff out the true commands. 2. use py-visa if using python for automation 3. See siglent's programming tips for this (line delimiters and timings do not match scpi spec) 4. Here are the commands that worked for me: "*IDN?", "*SAV 1", "*RCL 1", "INSTrument CH1", "INSTrument?", "CH1:CURRent 00.300", "MEASure:CURRent? CH1", "CH1:VOLTage 05.000", "MEASure:VOLTage? CH1", "OUTPut CH1,ON", "OUTPut CH1,OFF", "OUTPut:TRACK 0", "SYSTem:ERRor?", "SYSTem:VERSion?", "SYSTem:STATus?" Having said all that, I would buy again.

Verified Purchase Marshall Taylor on Oct 28, 2022 I found this helpful (3)

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