Siglent SDS1104X-E - 100 MHz / 4 Channel Digital Oscilloscope

Great student scope


The SDS1104X-E has unmatched value, only usurped for some by the new 1104X-U. Omissions from this new model include the 1M FFT and the possibility of 16 digital channels as well as some other minor changes like a 2ns/div max timebase vs the SDS1104X-E's 1ns/div. These feature are worth having in the 1104X-E, at least for me, especially when the sale price of an SDS1104X-E is so close to the RRP of the SDS1104X-U. The scope is very easy to use, though has some operational difference compared to other brands. Once familiar with it, its easy to setup measurements and acquire data. One of the strongest features of this scope is the serial decode, and other protocol decoding modes. This is often an addon or extra feature which is only reserved for more expensive scopes, but Siglent delivered. The massive memory depth is a must have over cheaper (or sometimes more expensive) scopes which can only capture data in the tens-of-thousands of points. Being able to single shot capture at a 14M memory depth and zoom all the way in to explore the signal is fantastic. Though do note that the 14M of memory is not always available at some timebases, the full memory depth can be found in the history mode, one of the operational differences I mentioned earlier. Certainly not as elegant as solutions from Keysight, but not a deal breaker for the price.

David O on Apr 14, 2021 I found this helpful (1)

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