Rigol DHO1074 - 4 Channel / 70 MHz Digital Oscilloscope

Powerful but Buggy


This oscilloscope brings a few features from higher-end oscilloscopes that enhance its usability, but some features you may expect from a scope of this class are curiously missing. The menus are (mostly) intuitive, with nearly all options and settings available in the top couple of layers. The ease of moving the windows around is very helpful when you have a few different types of displays on screen at one time. The FFT function is well implemented with a fast update rate and most of the settings you would expect. Strangely, there is no 50-Ohm input option, despite it being visible in the input menu diagram (and the hardware being capable of doing it). Unfortunately, the software is extremely buggy. Rigol has a history of making good hardware, but is somewhat lacking in software quality - this scope is no exception. For example, if you want to access the input menu of a channel, you have four ways to do it, but 2 of those ways will turn the channel off instead in most cases. This is because tapping, double-tapping, or long-tapping the channel button or icon will disable the channel if it is already selected. Once it's off, the ladder two actions will actually get you to the input menu. There are many bugs like this, even in the newest software version (as of this review). Thankfully, I have yet to encounter a bug that actually caused a loss of data or crash. However, the build quality is excellent. with a good button and knob layout and solid mechanical design. Despite sharing the same processor and software as the DHO800 series, this scope has a larger display, fully enabled ADC, and a more powerful FPGA. All of the features and quirks make the scope surprisingly good as an educational device (students can't blow up a 50-Ohm input if there is no 50-Ohm input). Overall, as long as you can deal with the annoying bugs, this scope performs well.

Verified Purchase Jordan Harris-Toovy on Apr 10, 2024 I found this helpful (0)

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