Teledyne Lecroy HDO4000 Product Information

Teledyne Lecroy - HDO4000

Fast.  Accurate.  Reliable
The HDO4000 is a high definition oscilloscope from an industry leader - Teledyne Lecroy.  Featuring high sample rates, an interactive touch screen and up to 1 GHz of bandwidth, the HDO4000 has been designed for the most demanding applications.

LeCroy’s HD4096 high-definition technology, combined with a large memory and 12.1" touch screen display, all make the HDO4000 ideal for precise measurements and quick problem solving.  Software tools such as WaveScan, LabNotebook Report Generator and History Mode help to identify, isolate, and document problems for faster troubleshooting.

The video below contains a brief introduction to Lecroy's WaveScan technology.  WaveScan enables fast navigation through your measurements, quickly identifying abnormalities, all with customizable search criteria.

Long Memory
With memory of 12.5 Mpts per channel, the HDO4000 High Definition Oscilloscope can capture large amounts of data with more precision than other oscilloscopes. The 2.5 GS/s, 12.5 Mpts architecture provides the ability to capture a fast transient or a long acquisition.

Large 12.1” Touch Screen
The HDO4000 was designed to be user friendly.  Its large, 12.1” display makes navigation easy, with intuitive controls and software designed specifically for the touch screen.  Every aspect of the user interface is accessible through the touch screen, making channel, trigger and timebase selections just a touch away.

Compact Form Factor
With a depth of only 5 inches, the HDO4000 requires very little space on your bench.  Continuing the Lecroy tradition of “Large Screen, Small Footprint”, the HDO4000 packs an enormous amount of power in a small case, leaving you more room to work.  It also features rotating, tilting feet, enabling it to be placed in 4 different viewing positions.



The HD4096 high definition technology consists of high sample rate 12-bit ADCs, low-noise system architecture, and a high signal-to-noise ratio amplifier.  HD4096 enables higher sample rates, and up to 16 times more resolution than competing brands.   This technology even makes it possible to capture and display signals up to 1 GHz, with unprecedented speed and accuracy.

Oscilloscopes equipped with HD4096 technology have higher resolution and measurement precision than 8-bit alternatives.  12 bit analog to digital converters provide high resolution sampling, at speeds up to 2.5 GS/s. The high performance input amplifiers deliver phenomenal signal fidelity with a 55 dB signal-to-noise ratio and provide a pristine signal to the ADC to be digitized. The low-noise signal architecture ensures that nothing interferes with the captured signal and the oscilloscope displays a waveform that accurately represents the signals from the device under test.


16x Closer to Perfect


16x More Resolution
12 bit technology provides sixteen times more resolution than 8 bits.
Lecroy’s HD4096 technology reduces quantization error, as a signal is converted from analog to digital.  Signals captured with lower resolution oscilloscopes have a much higher level of quantization error, producing less accurate waveforms, and higher margins of error.  If a device provides inaccurate information, then what are you really measuring?


Lecroy oscilloscopes with HD4096 offer many benefits, allowing users to debug in high definition.  Waveforms displayed by HD oscilloscopes are more accurate representations, allowing more signal details to be measured.  These measurements are made with unmatched precision, resulting in better test results and shorter debug time.

Clean, Crisp Waveforms
When compared to waveforms captured and displayed by 8-bit oscilloscopes, waveforms captured with HD4096 technology are dramatically crisper and cleaner. Oscilloscopes with HD4096 acquire waveforms at high resolution, high sample rate and low noise to display the most accurate waveforms.

More Signal Details
Signal details often lost in the noise are clearly visible and easy to distinguish when captured on oscilloscopes with HD4096. Details which were previously difficult to even see can now be easily seen and measured. Using the oscilloscope zoom capabilities gives an even closer look at the details for unparalleled insight to the signals on screen.

Unmatched Measurement Precision
Precise measurements are critical for effective debug and analysis. HD4096 enables oscilloscopes to deliver unmatched measurement precision to improve testing capabilities and provide better results.

A. Clean, Crisp Waveforms | Thin traces show the actual waveform with minimal noise interference
B. Unmatched Measurement Precision | Measurements are more precise and not affected by quantization noise
C. More Signal Details | Waveform details lost on an 8-bit oscilloscope can now be clearly seen



Teledyne LeCroy’s HDO4000-MS High Definition mixed signal oscilloscope combines the high definition analog channels of the HDO4000 with the flexibility of 16 digital inputs. In addition, the many triggering and decoding options turn the HDO4000-MS into an all-in-one analog, digital, serial debug machine.

High-performance 16 Channel
Mixed Signal Capability With embedded systems growing more complex, powerful mixed signal debug capabilities are an essential part of modern oscilloscopes. The 16 integrated digital channels and set of tools designed to view, measure and analyze analog and digital signals enable fast debugging of mixed signal designs.

Extensive Triggering
Flexible analog and digital cross-pattern triggering across all 20 channels provides the ability to quickly identify and isolate problems in an embedded system. Event triggering can be con- figured to arm on an analog signal and trigger on a digital pattern.

Advanced Digital Debug Tools
Using the powerful parallel pattern search capability of WaveScan, patterns across many digital lines can be isolated and analyzed. Identified patterns are presented in a table with timestamp in- formation and enables quick searching for each pattern occurrence.

Use a variety of many timing parameters to measure and analyze the characteristics of digital busses. Powerful tools like trends, statistics and histicons provide additional insight and help find anomalies.

Quickly see the state of all the digital lines at the same time using convenient activity indicators.



Trigger and Decode
The serial data trigger will quickly isolate events on a bus eliminating the need to set manual triggers and hoping to catch the right information. Trigger conditions can be entered in binary or hexadecimal formats and conditional trigger capabilities even allow triggering on a range of different events.

Protocol decoding is shown directly on the waveform with an intuitive, color-coded overlay and presented in binary, hex or ASCII. Decoding on the HDO4000 is fast even with long memory and zooming in to the waveform shows precise byte by byte decoding.

Table and Search
To further simplify the debug process all decoded data can be displayed in a table below the waveform grid. Selecting an entry in the table with the touch screen will display just that event. Additionally, built-in search functionality will find specific decoded values.

Serial data messages can be quickly located by searching on address, data and other attributes specific to a particular protocol. Once found, the specific location containing the specified search criteria can be automatically zoomed to.

Supported Serial Data Protocols
  • I2C, SPI, UART
  • CAN, LIN, FlexRay™, SENT
  • Ethernet 10/100BaseT, USB 1.0/1.1/2.0, USB 2.0-HSIC
  • Audio (I2S, LJ, RJ, TDM)
  • MIL-STD-1553, ARINC 429
  • MIPI D-PHY, DigRF 3G, DigRF v4
  • Manchester, NRZ



Touch Screen Simplicity
Configuring the HDO4000 is simple thanks to the intuitive touch screen user interface. Everything on the screen is interactive. To adjust channel, timebase, or trigger settings, simply touch the associated descriptor box and the appropriate menu is opened. Measurements can be touched to adjust their settings and cursors can be positioned precisely by touching and dragging them to the proper location. A box can be drawn around a portion of a waveform to create a zoom. Even waveform offset and delay can be adjusted by touching and dragging the waveform.

WaveScan Advanced Search
WaveScan provides powerful isolation capabilities that hardware triggers can’t provide. WaveScan allows searching analog, digital or parallel bus signal in a single acquisition using more than 20 different criteria. Or, set up a scan condition and scan for an event over hours or even days.
Advanced Math and Measure
With many math functions and measurement parameters available, the HDO4000 can measure and analyze every aspect of analog and digital waveforms. By utilizing HD4096 technology, the HDO4000 measures 16 times more precisely than traditional 8-bit architectures. Additionally, the HDO4000 provides statistics, histicons and trends to show how waveforms change over time.
Advanced Waveform Capture with Sequence Mode
Use Sequence mode to store up to 10,000 triggered events as segments. This is ideal when capturing fast pulses in quick succession or when capturing events separated by long time periods. Each segment has a timestamp and dead-time between triggers is less than 1 µ s. Isolate rate events over time by combining with advanced triggers.


Key Features
  •  Spectrum analyzer style controls for the oscilloscope
  • Select from six vertical scales
  • Automatically identify frequency peaks
  • Display up to 20 markers, with interactive table readout of frequencies and levels
  • Easily make measurements with reference and delta markers
  • Automatically identify and mark fundamental frequency and harmonics
  • Spectrogram shows how spectra changes over time in 2D or 3D views

Simplify Analysis of FFT Power Spectrum
Get better insight to the frequency content of any signal with use of the Spectrum Analyzer mode on the HDO4000. This mode provides a spectrum analyzer style user interface with controls for start/stop frequency or center frequency and span. The resolution bandwidth is automatically set for best analysis or can be manually selected. Vertical Scale can be selected as dBm, dBV, dBmV, dBuV, Vrms or Arms for proper viewing and analysis while the unique peak search automatically labels spectral components and presents frequency and level in an interactive table. Utilize up to 20 markers to automatically identify harmonics and quickly analyze frequency content by making measurements between reference and delta markers. To monitor how the spectrum changes over time, view the spectrogram which can display a 2D or 3D history of the frequency content.
Spectrum analyzer style controls simplify waveform analysis in the frequency domain.  


Key Features
  • Automatic switching device measurements
  • Color coded overlay to identify power losses
  • Control loop and time domain response analysis
  • Line power and harmonics tests to IEC 61000-3-2
  • Total harmonic distortion table shows frequency contribution
  • B-H Curve shows magnetic device saturation

Power Analyzer Automates Switching Device Loss Measurements
Quickly measure and analyze the operating characteristics of power conversion devices and circuits with the Power Analyzer option. Critical power switching device measurements, control loop modulation analysis, and line power harmonic testing are all simplified with a dedicated user interface and automatic measurements. Areas of turn-on, turn-off, and conduction loss are all identified with color-coded waveform overlays for faster analysis.
Power Analyzer provides quick and easy setup of voltage and current inputs and makes measurements as simple as the push of a button. Tools are provided to help reduce sources of measurement errors and the measurement parameters provide details of single cycle or average device power losses.

Beyond the advanced power loss measurement capabilities, the Power Analyzer modulation analysis capabilities provide insight to understand control loop response to critical events such as a power supply’s soft start performance or step response to line and load changes. The Line Power Analysis tool allows simple and quick pre-compliance testing to EN 61000-3-2.
Teledyne LeCroy has a variety of probes and probing accessories such as high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) differential amplifiers, differential probes, current probes, and deskew fixtures.

History Mode Waveform Playback

Scroll back in time to isolate anomalies and quickly find the source of the problem.

Save, Document, Report

Save all results and data with a single button press and create custom reports with LabNotebook


Cross Triggering

Flexible analog and digital cross-pattern triggering across all 20 channels


Digital Timing Measurements

Perform timing measurements on digital signals and analyze with trends, statistics and histicons


Parallel Pattern Search

Find a digital pattern across many digital lines using the parallel pattern search capability of WaveScan


Activity Indicators

Quickly see the state of all the digital lines at the same time using convenient activity indicators.