TPI Probe Fact Guide

What is the difference between thermocouple and thermistor probes?
Thermocouple probes utilize the reaction between two dissimilar metals to produce a voltage that changes as temperature changes. A thermistor is a resistive device that produces a change in resistance with a change in temperature. In general, thermocouples offer a wider temperature range and quicker response time than thermistors. Thermistors are typically more accurate than thermocouples.

How are thermocouple types different?
Each thermocouple uses different metals and therefore have different characteristics. Here are general guidelines:
K-Type: Wide temperature range, use in many digital thermometers and multimeters. Identify by yellow connector.
J-Type: Narrower temperature range than K-type, use in analog and digital thermometers. Identify by black connector.
T-Type: Narrower temperature range than J-type but more accurate than K and J types, use in digital thermometers. Identify by blue connector.

Can different thermocouple types be interchanged?
No. Since each thermocouple type is constructed with different metals they have different output characteristics. Using a J-type thermocouple in a K-type thermometer will cause measurements to be very inaccurate.

What type of probe should I use?
Probe type used depends on the specific application. General guidelines for different probe types follow:
Penetration: General-purpose probe used for immersion and air temperature measurements. Response time in air is slower than an air probe because the tip is not exposed.
Chisel: General-purpose tip used for surface, immersion, and air temperature measurements. Response time in air or on surfaces is slower than an air or surface probe because of the tip design.
Air: Exposed tip probe provides the fastest response time when measuring air temperatures. Not useful for surface or immersion testing.
Surface: Contact tip probe provides fastest response time when measuring surface temperatures. Probe tip offers maximum temperature transfer in surface applications. Not useful for air or immersion testing.
Beaded: General-purpose probe used in immersion and air temperature measurements. Exposed tip allows for fast reaction time. Not useful in semi-solids.