Hakko C1390C - Omnivise PCB Holder

"That much for a paperweight?!"


Look. I know you're looking at the price, and looking at what the actual product is, and thinking "surely I'm missing something, right?" Maybe someone sent you here, or told you about their Omnivise so you decided to look it up.

Something brought you to this point and you're just still wondering why on earth someone would drop so much coin on what appears to be a poor excuse for a free weight.

Let me be frank: You will not regret this.

I have a very small amount of desk space for my lab setup. Because of that, very few things get to stay on my desk at all times. The Omnivise is one of those things.

Sure, you're going to say "well yeah, It looks useful, I can see why it'd stay on your desk." But it's much more than that. I use it to hold boards up to solder or run hot air at. I use it to prop things against when I need them at a better angle. I've used it as a foot under large things to give it a better way for me to get at the bits I need to. But here's the real bit: It. Doesn't. Move. It's weighted ever so correctly that it's easy to move around my desk, but just right that it stays put otherwise. The finish on the bottom grips just perfectly to my ESD mat, like it was designed to catch it.

You'll wonder, after pressing order, if you made a mistake. The moment you take it out of the package, you'll think "oh wait a moment, this has got some heft!" Sitting it on your desk, you'll remark how the stippled finish on the inner cylinder looks, contrasted to the silver finish of the outer shell. And then, you'll open up it's generous mouth, and have it ever-so-nicely clamp down on something you'd like to stay put; you'll lean back in your chair, raise your eyebrows, and silently think a single word to yourself: "wow."

Next thing you know, you'll be here, writing a flowery review like this one, telling the next person that they too, will love their vise.

Verified Purchase Chris on Mar 20, 2021 I found this helpful (2)

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