BK DAS220-BAT vs Hioki LR8431-20 Comparison

Comparison of BK DAS220-BAT vs Hioki LR8431-20 Data Recorder

Manufacturer B&K Precision Hioki
Model number DAS220-BAT LR8431-20
List price $2,295 $1,290
Display 10 inch, touchscreen 4.3 inch
Battery Included Option ($125)
Battery life (typical) 15 hours standby, 10 hours non-standby 2.5 hours
Memory Internal 32 GB 7 MB internal, 2GB
compact flash ($285)
Number of analog channels 10 10
Logic channels 12 -
Isolation between channels 100 V 60 V
Sampling interval 1 ms on 1 ch, 10 ms on 10 ch
(channels are multiplexed)
10 ms on all channels
Pt100 / Pt1000 x
Current (w shunt)
Resistance x
DC voltage range +/- 0.5 mV to +/- 100 V 0.005 mV resolution to +/-60 V with 0.1% accuracy
Standard interface USB Host, LAN USB
Warranty 2 year 3 year
ModelB&K Precision DAS220-BATHioki LR8431-20
ProductPortable 10-Channel Data Recorder with Battery10 Channel Memory HiLogger
In Stock

Dataloggers / Data Acquisition/Data Recorders

Type (Recorders)Data LoggerData Logger
Style (Recorders)Bench / PortableBench / Portable
# Channels Expanded plus Logic (Recorders)10 EA 
# Channels Base Unit (Recorders)10 EA
Display (Recorders)Built-in, Included w/ Base Unit
Sampling Interval (Controllers/Recorders)10 ms
Sampling Frequency (Recorders)100 S/s (0.0001 MS/S)
Input Types (Controllers/Recorders)VoltageDigital / Logic / On-Off, Frequency / Pulse, T/C - RTD, Voltage
Output Types (Controllers/Recorders)Logic / SSR 
Power SourceBattery AC Line, Battery 
Screen Size4.3 IN