AEMC Data View


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  • Display and analyze data on your PC
  • Configure all data logger functions and parameters from your PC including sample rate, recording length, channel configuration & more
  • Customize frames, templates and reports to your exact needs
  • Display real time data on your PC and download previously recorded data
  • Create and store a complete library of configurations that can be uploaded to the logger as needed
  • Zoom in and out and pan through sections of the graph to analyze the data
  • Display waveforms, trend graphs, harmonic spectrums and text summaries
  • Display Surge & Sag events in high-resolution waveforms and as tabular listings
  • Insert annotations & graphic objects from other applications
  • Customize colors and fonts


DataView Graphing & Analysis Software

DataView Professional is a full-featured data collection, analysis and reporting software package which includes great flexibility for customization of views, templates and reports to meet the most demanding requirements, combined with the ability to present trend graphs, waveforms and data in real time on a PC.

The DataView software provides a convenient way to configure and control logging from your computer. Through the use of clear and easy-to-use tabbed dialog boxes, all Simple Logger II functions can be configured and tests can be initiated. Results can be displayed in real time and stored in your PC or the logger. Standard or custom reports may be printed along with the operator’s comments and analysis.

Software Features

  • Display and analyze real-time data on your PC
  • Configure all Data Logger functions and parameters from your PC including sample rate, recording length, channel configuration and more
  • Select storage mode for optimum recording
  • Zoom in and out and pan through sections of the graph to analyze the data
  • Download, display and analyze recorded data
  • Display waveforms, trend graphs, harmonics (AC models) and text summaries, all in real-time
  • Create custom views and reports
  • Print reports using standard or custom templates you design
  • Free software upgrades
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Quick and simple configuration of all functions and settings from one dialog box.
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Real-time view of trend, waveform and status screens.
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Configure all alarm functions with straightforward selections.

3 Recording Modes

Start/Stop Mode
In this mode the operator selects a storage rate from predefined values from 8 per second to 1 every day, then selects a start and stop time. Data is recorded at this rate until the memory is filled or the end recording time and date is reached. The logger then stops recording and goes into standby mode retaining the recorded date.

First In First Out Mode (FIFO)
The operator makes the data storage and recording length selections as described above. If the memory fills before the end date and time occurs, the logger will discard the oldest stored data point and add a new one. This process will continue until the end recording date and time is reached.

Extended Time Recording Mode (XRM)
This unique recording mechanism provides for continuous recording over a longer period of time without the need for the operator's selection or adjustments. The operator selects a starting storage range from predefined values from 8 per second to 1 every day and a recording length. The logger will store data at the rate selected until the memory is filled. The logger will then discard every other stored sample beyond the first one, freeing up half the memory for continuous recording. New samples will be stored at half the previous storage rate, matching the interval with the remaining stored data. This process will repeat each time the memory fills until the operator stops the recording manually, the end recording date and time is reached or the battery runs down.

DataView Functional Displays For Ground Testers